Contribution guide

WARNING: we are not open to contribution right now, this guide will be useful in the future or just for the PDG team.


In addition to have installed the prerequisites in the Installation page, you have to

  1. Clone the repository git clone
  2. Go into the plx folder
  3. Build the program
    cargo build
    # or in release mode
    cargo build --release
    You can find the result binary respectively in target/debug/plx and target/release/plx.
  4. And/or run it To run the binary without knowning its path just run cargo run.


  1. Install crate cargo-watch (cargo install cargo-watch) and run cargo watch -x run -c to rebuild and run cargo run and clear the screen between each execution. This provides a very convenient feedback loop.

Writing tests

Unit tests

TODO: when we know how to write them

Integration tests

TODO: when we know how to write them

UI testing

TODO: when we know how to write them

CI/CD strategy

Most of the release process should be automated, this is why we configured GitHub actions to run different jobs.

PR validation strategy

  1. On each PR (and when new commits arrive) and on push on main, cargo build and cargo test are run to make sure everything is working
  2. On each git tag, we will run a CI job to test, build and run cargo publish to release PLX on

todo: document release process todo: document other OS

Release strategy

To release a new version of PLX, here are the manual steps:

  1. Create a new release branch
  2. Choose a new version number based following semantic version
  3. Modify the to document changes since last release
  4. Modify the Cargo.toml with the chosen version
  5. Run cargo build to update the duplicated version number in Cargo.lock
  6. Push the changes
  7. Open and merge PR of this release branch (tests must pass so we cannot release code with compilation errors)

The CI release job starts and detect a version change (version in Cargo.toml different from the latest git tag) so the release process start

  1. Create a new tag with the extracted version
  2. Create a new release on Github with a link to the
  3. Run cargo publish to publish plx on

The result is that running cargo install plx again will install the new version!